Deep Clean Ocean day


Ely Merino, founder of Pachamama Barcelona (a non-profit association that fights for the care of our beaches) together with Creps al Born, El Agite and W Barcelona participated on May 23 in the Deep Clean Ocean day. A day of awareness and sustainability that aimed to collect waste from the beach and the seabed.

In 1h 30 minutes and with some 50 volunteers, 177kg of garbage was removed from Sant Sebastián beach (Barceloneta).

In her Instagram, Ely Merino thanked the volunteers for their support and effort and added that “There are no words, I think these images are already they can speak for themselves. We have a real problem on our beaches, and it’s clear to see. Now it’s about making everyone aware and making an appeal already in a state of alarm. The city of Barcelona must begin to change and improve its sewage system and fecal water treatment plant, and we as citizens must stop throwing everything down the toilet and have other habits towards the sustainability and care of our mother Earth”.


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